The Daily Standard Operating Procedure is a guide to effective usage of Loopon. By following it you will ensure that all feedback is handled. You can use the one provided below or build your own based on it.
- Open the Feedback tab inside Loopon.
- Read all feedback with status Unread, using the default search All Active Messages.
- Tag feedback with one or more as appropriate of: Complaint, Guest Idea, Praise.
- Reply to guest using the reply template that best fits the feedback, adding some personal comments to show that you have actually read the feedback.
- If feedback requires further action by someone else, click Delegate to assign responsibility to a specific person.
- If no further action is required, click Done to mark feedback as handled.
- Select search method Delegated Messages and walk through list of feedback awaiting action from someone else.
- Click Forward to send e-mail reminder where needed.
- Select search method My Active Messages and walk through list of feedback explicitly delegated to yourself.
- If you can take care of the issue, click Done when it has been done.
- Use the Log button to write notes about actions taken.
- If further action is required by someone else, click Delegate to assign responsibility.