The Feedback tab is the most central and important parts of Loopon. This is the tools to increase your guest satisfaction. It is a tactical tool to convert detractors to promoters and to get your promoters to actively talk about you, which you already know will be in a positive way.
This tab lets you keep track of new feedback, respond to guests and share and delegate feedback to your co-workers.
Page Overview
Before going into the different actions you can perform on the Feedback tab, we will show you an overview of the different parts of this page.
- List of issues. This part of the page contains all your feedback issues matching the current active search. Click a row to select feedback.
- Issue content. The lower part of the page shows all content associated to the selected issue.
- Guest history. To the left of the issue content you can see if the guest has stayed before at the hotel and any previous feedback from the guest.
- Searches. To the right of the page you can see which search is currently active, select one of the common or saved searches, define your own search and look up keywords.
Reading Feedback
To show how to read and understand new feedback, we will give an example. See the first message in feedback from a guest below.
- Under the heading Flags, this feedback has a red speech balloon. This flag indicates that the guest wants to be contacted by the hotel. The feedback is also marked with a yellow sad face emoticon. This is because the guest has been dissatisfied (answered I do not agree or I strongly disagree) to one or more questions in the questionnaire.
- Under the heading Status the feedback is Unread, in accordance with the issue status.
- The Category of this feedback says Complaint since it has been marked as such under issue categories.
- Under Responsible it says the hotel name. If the feedback would have been delegated to another Loopon user within the hotel, then that person's name would be here instead.
- Under Guest the name of the guest is shown.
- Under Source the way in which the guest answered is presented.
- Under the last heading named NPS this feedback has a red circle indicating that the guest is a detractor.
Action Buttons
Under the list of feedback you will find the Action Buttons. These are used to reply to guests, forward and delegate feedback, log actions and print feedback. Each button will be explained in greater detail below.
Forward Feedback to a Colleague (Forward Button)
You can forward feedback by email to your co-workers to share praise or complaints from the guests by clicking the Forward button. We will illustrate how you can use this function with an example.
Say that you have received a complaint from a guest and wants to check with your manager what kind of compensation you can offer the guest. Start by clicking the Forward button and perform the following steps:
1Under Forward Settings you can:
Fill in your managers email address and a message to send.
Enable Allow receiver to change status of issue to include a Mark as Done link included in the e-mail, which will mark the issue as done if the receiver clicks it (maybe the manager took care of the issue immediately).
If you do not want all parts of the feedback forwarded, you can click on Deselect all 2 at the bottom of the window and then select which part of the feedback you want to forward under Guest Feedback.
Finally press Forward to send the message. 3
Delegate Feedback to a Colleague (Delegate Button)
If you want a co-worker to take over the responsibility for a feedback issue, you can use the Delegate button. Click on it and select the person you want to delegate the issue to, write a message and click Delegate to send it. You can delegate to all Loopon users on your hotel and Loopon users on chain level.
After delegating an issue to a co-worker, the recipient will receive an email notifying him or her about the new issue delegation. Read about how you add a user to Loopon here.
Reply to Feedback (Reply Button)
To answer directly to a guest via email, simply click on the Reply button. A box will appear under the selected issue. By using the drop down menu Template you can select a reply template to use.
- Click here to read about how you create a reply template.
Whether you are using reply templates to speed up the replying to guests or not, the final message to the guest can be written in the message section shown in the picture below. When you are done writing your answer, click Reply to send it. - We recommend that you try to respond to every guest and personalise the answer according to what the guest has written. We recommend to use the Preview button to give the reply one last read through before sending to the guest.
- We also recommend that you use our guidelines on how you should be answering your guests.
- It is not possible to reply to guests that has answered the questionnaire anonymously.
Log Internal Messages (Log Button)
If you want to log an event connected to an issue, you can simply use the Log button.
If you for example want to call a guest and apologise for an inconvenience, you click Log, write down a note about the call and press Log to save it.
Print Feedback (Print button)
You can print a feedback issue along with all the emails and comments connected to it by clicking the Print button.
Issue status
In order to keep track of your feedback handling, you need to give the feedback the correct status under Issue Status. You will find this field under the Action buttons. Changing the status of an issue will determine whether or not it will show up in the current filter you are displaying (see Common Searches below).
Unread is the category assigned to every new feedback. The feedback will remain Unread until you actively change its status. As soon as new events occur on a certain feedback (for example a co-worker answering to a forward, or a guest answering to a reply) the Feedback will be marked as unread again.
Open is for issues that are still open but not delegated.
An issue will automatically get status Delegated when you have delegated an issue to a co-worker.
Use Done when you have read and acted upon a feedback and no further actions are required. The issue will be set to Unread again if the guest answers your email or if a colleague that you forwarded to answers your email. Discarded is used for issues that need no action.
Note: A feedback will never change status from Unread, this has to be done manually.
Modify status of multiple issues
In order to select multiple issues at the same time and mark them as Done or Unread: click on the first one you want to select, press and hold Shift on your keyboard, and select the last one of the group you intend to act upon.
Once this is done a pop up window will appear so that you can confirm your action.
Issue Categories
Under the Issue status you find the Issue categories field. You can categorise the issues into Complaint, Guest Idea or Praise. Categorising feedback is useful if you want to download a list of, for example, all the guest ideas of last year.
Feedback History
When selecting an issue you can easily follow all events which are associated with that issue in the History box below the Issue Categories. All issue events are logged, and specifically Forwarded messages, Replies from the hotel, Replies from the guest, and Logs are highlighted so that you can click on them and immediately jump to the selected event.
Common Searches
At the panel to the right you will find the Common Searches. 1 These are useful filters to get a good overview of the feedback. Depending on which filter you choose, different types of feedback will be displayed in the Feedback list.
All Messages displays all feedback.
All Unread Messages displays all feedback with issue status Unread.
All Active Messages displays all feedback with issue status Unread, Open and Delegated.
My Active Messages displays all feedback with issue status Unread and Open .
Delegated Messages displays all feedback with issue status Delegated.
All Recent Messages displays all feedback for the last 30 days.
If you want to customise your searches, use the box Search Filters below the Common Searches.
Download Raw Data
You can download an Excel list with all the raw data of the feedback you are currently displaying. Simply click the button Download to Excel at the bottom right corner to download the raw data. 1
Note: If you want to download a more easily readable report containing only the text feedback, use the Text Report feature.